The Technology Troubled Teacher’s Digital Tools
50 Word Session Description:
Looking for the most painless way to incorporate digital tools into your lower grade classroom? This presentation will review four accessible resources that make incorporating technology while meeting the K-2 “digital learning integration” standards of learning (SOLs) a pleasure even for teachers at a technological beginner or emerging level.
Here is a link to view the slides with timing and speaking notes.
JESHOOTS.COM (2018, January 21). [Photograph of woman at computer]. Unsplash. Retrieved on November 30, 2022 from https://unsplash.com/photos/-2vD8lIhdnw CC Zero. Modified from original.
Miller, K. (2022, December 2). [Screenshot of Title Slide]. Retrieved from https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tTgaJn6JcDvuB6P8umKbWXML_8p6gbBf/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=113885542738221880908&rtpof=true&sd=true CC Zero.
I really like the full bleed images you used throughout your presentation. Each one was connected to the topic and made your entire presentation visually appealing from start to finish. There was no redundancy or predictability. I liked that, kept it fresh. Very creative!