| MLIS Candidate
Pathfinder/LibGuide: Pandas
This Pathfinder/LibGuide on Giant Pandas was created using the web-based tool of Google Sites, for a public library. It is addressed to caregivers of young children (PreK) but is also accessible and inviting to other adult/youth users and has relevant applications in schools with compatibility to Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). It features a variety of both print and electronic resources that are both high-quality and audience appropriate. Additionally, it offers instruction for further research under the DIY: Find More tab.
This Pathfinder/LibGuide about Giant Pandas can be found in its entirety here:
ALA-AASL-CAEP School Librarian Preparation Standards (2019) in this artifact:
1.2 Learner Diversity
1.3 Learner Differences
1.4 Learning Environments
3.1 Reading Engagement
3.2 Information Literacy
3.3 Technology-Enabled Learning
4.2 Information Resources